Nightfeeder - last march of the ents/count the dead
Colony Drop -戦争屋の幽霊 /ティターンズ
Nightfeeder - hung by the neck/rolling slaughter
Saccage - introveineuse/recidive/dechet humanitaire
Sons of Ishmael - smash the fascist bottle/umbrella toenail/
undulating blobs/do something radical/sex class riles mom
KAV - hin tron/pet sauce durant le set/la gerbe fattale/
the immigrind song/1800/thc overdose
Totalitar -Döda Döda För Inre Frid/Slut Som Människa/Vägen Till Ända/
Allt Är Inom Dig/Tvingad In I Livet/Slagen Av Sanning
Avskum - bulletproof/under a bloodstained flag
Storm of Sedition - mountains of waste/prisoners of industry
Disgust - the result of war
Disclose - the bombardment/once the war started/dooms day
Disfear - powerload/an arrogant breed/misanthropic generation
Dischange - blind paths
Dissober - going under/stars and stripes of murder
Recharge - hamburg 42
Step to Freedom - deadly fortress