Evil Corpse - apocalyptic future
Super$hit 666 - fast one
Hellacopters - i got a right
Super$hit 666 - crank it up
Dodengod - angst
Slaughter Strike - when the unspeakable is unchained
Carpathian Forest - posibilities of life's destruction
Carpathian Forest - he's turning blue
Speedwolf - speedwolf
Inepsy - rock n roll babylon/aftermath of progress
Wraith - meaningless planet/the curse/war of aggression
Uncle Ray - webs/thief/strong arms/liar/stillness/
open doors/shit life/november
Poison Idea - plastic bomb
Ringworm - justice replaced by revenge/no one dies alone/
seeing through these eyes
Funeral Mist - hellspell II
Black Anvil - margin for terror
Devil's Whorehouse - the howling/blood nymphoman
1914 - zeppelin raids