September 25, 2023

Step to Freedom - deadly fortress
Nightfeeder - the reaper's yield/asylum/species on the brink
Paintbox - 百糸一繭 / 切迫 / round & roll
Genetic Control - big takeover/right brigade/first impressions/
    gilligan's island
Poison Idea - death, agonies & screams
Rosvett - laughing boy/punish me/discontent/it's an action
Coffins - sacrifice to evil spirit
Legion666 - anaemic/wilt/happy now?
Warsick - tomorrow/fight to break control/pigs on your back
Cryptopsy - crown of horns
Bolt Thrower - tank/armageddon bound
Black Tomb - under the pine

September 18, 2023

Nightfeeder - last march of the ents/count the dead
Colony Drop -戦争屋の幽霊 /ティターンズ
Nightfeeder - hung by the neck/rolling slaughter
Saccage - introveineuse/recidive/dechet humanitaire
Sons of Ishmael - smash the fascist bottle/umbrella toenail/
    undulating blobs/do something radical/sex class riles mom
KAV - hin tron/pet sauce durant le set/la gerbe fattale/
    the immigrind song/1800/thc overdose
Totalitar -Döda Döda För Inre Frid/Slut Som Människa/Vägen Till Ända/
    Allt Är Inom Dig/Tvingad In I Livet/Slagen Av Sanning
Avskum - bulletproof/under a bloodstained flag
Storm of Sedition - mountains of waste/prisoners of industry
Disgust - the result of war
Disclose - the bombardment/once the war started/dooms day
Disfear - powerload/an arrogant breed/misanthropic generation
Dischange - blind paths
Dissober - going under/stars and stripes of murder
Recharge - hamburg 42
Step to Freedom - deadly fortress

September 11, 2023

Evil Corpse - apocalyptic future
Super$hit 666 - fast one
Hellacopters - i got a right
Super$hit 666 - crank it up
Dodengod - angst
Slaughter Strike - when the unspeakable is unchained
Carpathian Forest - posibilities of life's destruction
Carpathian Forest - he's turning blue
Speedwolf - speedwolf
Inepsy - rock n roll babylon/aftermath of progress
Wraith - meaningless planet/the curse/war of aggression
Uncle Ray - webs/thief/strong arms/liar/stillness/
    open doors/shit life/november
Poison Idea - plastic bomb
Ringworm - justice replaced by revenge/no one dies alone/
    seeing through these eyes
Funeral Mist - hellspell II
Black Anvil - margin for terror
Devil's Whorehouse - the howling/blood nymphoman
1914 - zeppelin raids

September 4, 2023

Terror Squad straight to hell
Selfish - life wrecker/deflowered beauty
Discharge - hear nothing see nothing say nothing/
    the nightmare continues/the final bloodbath/protest & survive/
    i won't subscribe/drunk with power/meanwhile
Genocide SS - destroyer of worlds/mord II/final descent
Dishammer - smoke of death/wish of suffering/the end here and now
Extreme Noise Terror - pray to be saved/knee deep in shit/self decay/
    moral bondage/just think about it/lame brain/what do you care/
    third world genocide
Raw Power - state oppression/joe's the best
Soil of Ignorance - sterile humanity/re-armed and ripped again/
    self inflicted/pain of addiction/oxidize/unidimensional consciousness/
    misery/waste disposal/sewer violence/a deeper need to control/
    what you see/face the truth/ablaze in the southern sky
After The Bombs - to the void & back/relentless onslaught
Slayer - violent pacification
Iskra - lawless
Brutal Truth - hole in the sky