August 21, 2023

The Ramones played their first gig at CBGBs on August 16, 1974. This date is widely considered to be the unofficial beginning of punk rock. It's hard to imagine a more influential band than the Ramones. For me they were life altering. I discovered them in 1977. Struggling to find an identity in a world that I felt alienated from, punk offered an alternative that I immediately connected with. The Ramones were my gateway into that world. I saw them play at the Grand Circus Theatre in Detroit and Joey invited all the kids getting crushed at the front to come up on stage. For me, sitting at Johnny's feet watching my favourite band machine gun through their set is a special memory that I'll always cherish. All original members have sadly passed on but their incredible legacy remains. This is my tribute. 
Ramones  - durango 95/teenage lobotomy/psycho therapy/gimme gimme shock        treatment/rocknroll high school/you're gonna kill that girl/i don't care/listen to my     heart/we're a happy family/california sun/i don't wanna walk around with you/          ramones/today your love tomorrow the world/pinhead 
The Independents - garden of serenity
Plan 4 - somebody put something in my drink
The Heartbreakers - chinese rock
Motosierra - animal boy
Tequila Baby - she belongs to me
Shock Treatment - chainsaw
Revolucion - havana affair
Lambrusco Kids - suzy is a headbanger
White Trash Debutantes - judy is a punk
Manic Hispanic - creeper is a lowrider/mexican tar/the ins took my baby away
Ramones - i just wanna have something to do/i wanted everything/don't come        close/i don't want you/now i wanna sniff some glue/glad to see you go/
    i'm against it/i wanna be sedated/go mental/beat on the brat/ignorance is bliss