General Surgery - ominous lamentation
Nasum - particles/the engine of death/twinkle twinkle little scar
Napalm Death - from enslavement to obliteration/suffer the children
Macabre - funeral home
Cannibal Corpse - 5 nails through the neck/purification by fire
Deathspell Omega - from unknown lands of desolation
Saccage - bois ou creve/la derape tabarnak/ont est pas des doux/
saccage nocturne
Infect Propaganda - anti-existence/pointless crucifix/zero hour/exterminate
Satanic Genocide - automated armageddon
Uncle Ray - strong arms/liar/stillness/open doors/shit life/november
Storm of Sedition - insurrectionary fire/dead of night
Human Host Body - grobovi globin/grom odprtih ran
Plebeian Grandstand - low empire
Full of Hell - at the cauldron's bottom
Black Monolith - gold watch