September 23, 2024

Nightmare Fuel - a turn for the worst
Disbaja - impulse slaves/the final release
Humanity is a Curse - benthic
Gomora -prazdnota/priched zmije/posledni jizda
Disforia - fosforo bianco/nuova realta
Ursut - den ytterta dagen
Marusya - 1789/reclaim/exodium
Reliever - scale
Leper - decivilize
Storm of Sedition -deurbanize
Waingro - pacino
Warkrusher - shadows
Hellbastard - heading for internal darkness/we had evidence
Bolt Thrower - the 4th crusade
Sacrilege - dig your own grave
Ashkara - cauterized 

September 16, 2024

Dishammer - the devil's advocates
Victims - victims in blood/fade away/how could i lie?/no reason
Krash - devastation/a living hell/nuclear strike/power corrupts/
    they declare it
Hard Charger - conquer darkness/shipwrecked/derelict/dragged to hell
Humanity is a Curse -  bathyal/abyss/demersal/hadal
Gomora - prachac/pitlacit sebe/pevnost evropa
Disbaja - machiavellic winds/rise of extremes
Ashkara - strick/remnants/it might have been
THRT - chase the time/redemption/feed my soul/nightmares/
    no fear is rational/get the gun/violence

September 9, 2024

Disbaja - unseen war/in between
Arboricidio - waves of bodies
Ashkara - kanalisiert/nullpunkt
Gomora - popel a prach/psychoterur
Humanity is a Curse - photic/pelagic/aphotic
KAV - horrendous.../montrsities of morbid desolation/
    suicidei rate au carre/les sandales a landry
Saccage - motorcrust/sccage nocturne
Wolfcharge - keep quiet, consume & die
Tragedy - conflicting idea/call to arms/vengeance
Legion666 - immortal schisms
Dissection - where dead angels lie

September 2, 2024

Oroku - vulture/disgust for mankind/meaningless
Multinational Corporations -  the white man’s burden/stuttering teardrops/
    artificial epoch/corp studio/zero nation theory
Nothing's Said -brutalized innocents/blinded in ignorance/when?/total madness/
    sounds of conquest/endless slaughter
Schifosi - post genocide syndrome/in absentium/vice grip
Habak -La no violencia es un privilegio/ No crecen flores aquĆ­ solo podagrarias/
    No aceptaremos con pasividad el exterminio al que nos han condenado 
Wolfcharge - stalking prey/charge of the wolf
Wreathe - the king is risen/the stumps are the graves of the land/
    mother of all woe
Mass Grave - split w/ Unholy Grave
They Grieve  - wither