July 29, 2024

War//Plague - delirium
Made Wrong - drive it like a rental/on the nose/
    you know that's not the ocean
Exploator - Avhumanisering/Avgrundens brant/Tragedi/
    Döden tar tag/Döda sinnen
Spread Thin - unjustified
Culled - psycles
OxE - the fallen lament
Ursut - Helt Jävla Vanlig/Vi Bara Lyder/Åsiktens Uttåg/Parasiter
Abyss - unburied/curse of the graves/worship the horrid/
    purity negation/die burning
Warkrusher - epitaph/visions of mortality
Dark Circles - frantic death/soul suppressor
Night Fighter -beerhammer
Nightfeeder - the suffering/media circus
Night Vermin - primeval wails
Nachtlieder - malice come closer
Nightfall - thor
Dark Circles - glacial instinct
Art of Attrition - vitriol

July 22, 2024

Exploator - Direkt reaktion/Uttråkad/Vanvettet kommer
Combustion -Ophidian/Open For Business/Medical Marvel/
    Dread Missionaries/Weekender/Retail War/Sink Pisser 
Interpunkce -intro/161/Poslední hodina/Dál/Na prahu/Konec konců/
    Koloběh marnosti/Otčenáš
Panikattack -Krigets Sinnen/Din Sista Natt/Spritens Andetag/
    När Solen Slocknat/Kemiskt Hopp
Culled - halo of flies
Spread Thin - gaslit
Soil of Ignorance - faith in nothing/rawpowergrind/intent to damage/
    heavy water/please remain silent/a bleak forecast/devoured/hostile duty
Slaughter Strike - carnal promises
Fear of the Known - life
Ursut - Det Fria Valet/Kontrollerad Spridning/Spring Då! from K​ö​p Dig Lycklig
Hell is Other People - lavender
OxE - warmth of the womb
Hussar - ritualistic castration of the feeble minded cowards
Art of Attrition - drown in fog
Iskra - lifeless
Hussar - ausgebombt
Culled - the trauma of history

July 15, 2024

Autarch - aldebaran
Ancst - cicles/final hour
Panikattack - Ett Sista Farväl/Blodet Flödar/Mitt Inre/När Jag Blundar/
    Aldrig Nära Nog  
Exploator -Kapitalet flödar/Lögner växer
Fear of the Known - artificial intelligence/flotsam & jetsam/military 
    industrial complex/desecration
Interpunkce - Zánik/Nenávidět srdcem, milovat nožem/Nenáviď mě/
    Komplex viny/Spálit/Žij a nech žít 
Ursut - Den Yttersta Dagen/Du Är Din Egen Elit
SkullNBone - dead or alive/insane youth
Warbastard- buried alive/oblivion
Leper - destroy what destroys you
Mass Grave -Social Scourge/Onward/Futile Future/No More/
    Progress // Collapse/Lack Of Control/Survive//RCMPIG
Hell is Other People - blossom

July 8, 2024

Void Omnia - ad infinitum
Hell Is Other People - fates
Omnia Vincam - maestus/in fide usque ad finem
A Flock Named Murder - ghost of the labyrinth
Arctos - dawn...sons of death
Taggarik - stalwarts of suffering
Ocaso - humans
Barren Futures - offal/status quo/monoculture of free thinkers/
    combustion engine/hungry ghosts/grindset
Warbastard - phallacy/blind faith/total control/abomination/
    steeped in shit/blood on your hands

July 1, 2024

Jesus Wept - buried face down
Knur - cavalls salvatges/el teu sol ja no m'il·lumina
Schifosi - but a heretic/a life overdue/shallow alchemy
Dark Circles - in articulo mortis/mass grave/shadows 
Paroxys - into the dark/mercenary/burning and blind/
    the endless attack
Aneantix - limbes abrupts/fatalite temporelle/crematoire 
    sempiternel/vision monolithique
Lautsturmer - I mänsklighetens namn/formvidrig å 
Totalickers - perdido/material desechable/dislickers
Disco Assault - rise above/broken boards-broken bottles/
    my fate/work to survive
Jesus Wept - comfortably dumb